Critter Stories · Farmtastic Stories

Punky Brewster, anyone?

Okay this post absolutely must start off with a photo.

Farmtastic Photo - Mismatched farm shoes
My customized farm shoes, a la Punky Brewster.

Yes, these are my shoes, and yes they are on my feet.  You see, these are my favorite around-the-farm tennis shoes.  However, at one point I did have one of each pair.  (I’m not totally crazy).  But alas, Maybelle strikes again.

After one of my business trips I arrived home to hear Cowboy say, “Maybelle is very sorry.  I can get you a new pair, but she was nice enough to leave you a left and a right shoe.  It was cool in the ’80s to wear two different kinds of shoes, wasn’t it?”

To which I quickly replied, “It is NOT the ’80s.”  Which, let’s just be honest, was not my best fashion decade.  I mean I had hair bows galore, among other lovelies.  So my initial thought was, “Just dandy, two more new pairs of shoes to buy.”

But then I got to thinking, “Hey, I loved Punky Brewster at one point in my life, and for the farm, these could be fun, so why not?”  Y’all do remember Punky Brewster, right?  Quirky girl in colorful clothing all mismatched and always smiling played by Soleil Moon Frye.  As usual, I digress …

Now, for those of you keeping count, Maybelle is getting close to two years old.  One would think puppyhood, or puppydom as I’ve been known to call it, would be nearing an end.  Nope.  Not for our dear, sweet Maybelle.  When we had our first cocker spaniel, Madison, I remember reading that the breed could keep their puppy-ness for up to three years and was one of the breeds that took the longest to exit puppyhood into adulthood.

Oh how I forgot about this when we brought our little Maybelle home, but oh how my shoe collection is reminding me now.  The dog can chew, chew, chew.  I feel like I keep Nylabone in business just trying to keep her mouth busy.  It’s a good thing she is about as adorable as they come.

Anyway, these are now my farm shoes.  Great for all those chores like scooping stalls, working in the flower beds, feeding horses, you name it.  The million dollar question is will I actually remember I have them on my feet when I decide to quickly hop in the car to run to town to go to the post office or grocery store?  I’m praying so, but if I know anything about how my brain works, I am destined to sport this little fashion statement at least once in public.  You’ve been warned.

P.S. – In case anyone is wondering, the shoes are Keen’s Coronado style.  The are my absolute favorites, and unfortunately these lovely fabrics aren’t available right now.  But I do keep watching for fun new ones to add. 

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